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2018-12-12 | Mainz Linked Pasts IV

Poster Session Views From Inside The LOD-cloud

Two Become One

Lifting TEI EpiDoc encoded Corpora to RDF.
The Case of DIO & EPIDAT


Max Grüntgens | @hou2zi0 || Thomas Kollatz | @kol_t || Twitter digicademy || CC-BY 4.0

The Corpora

German Inscriptions Online (DIO)

The DIO database is collecting, editing, and providing access to a large, representative & interdisciplinary repository of Epigraphic sources from Medieval and Early modern times onwards. Thus providing a broad set of objects central to German cultural heritage in particular but also to European cultural heritage in general.

epidat: Research platform for Jewish Epigraphy (EPIDAT)

EPIDAT is a CC-licensed database collecting, editing, and providing access to Jewish funerary inscriptions from Medieval times onwards. Thus bringing into focus not only a repository of sources suitable for interdisciplinary approaches but also central to Jewish cultural heritage in particular and to European cultural heritage in general.

Easy & Explorative RDF-Lifting with XTriples

What to RDF-ify?

☞ Location & spatial arrangements
☞ Time designations
☞ Object types & materials
☞ Person, their roles & relations

What to ask?

☞ Distribution of materials and object types
☞ Gender distributions
☞ Queries utilizing the additional information provided e.g. by authority files

XTriples is …

Generic ⇒ works on any XML
Configurable ⇒ easy to configure via XML
Explorative ⇒ explore with simple statements
Simple yet Powerful ⇒ ship research data with complex ontology support after exploratory phase
Flexible ⇒ several output formats
RESTful ⇒ easily integrable

Semantic statements already inherent in TEI-XML “have to be transformed into explicit semantic annotations (e.g. RDF) to make the data usable for Semantic Web approaches […]. On the whole, the process of translating XML to RDF is therefore mainly focused on the determination of general statement patterns, which can then be applied to and extracted from all resources of the data set in question. [XTriples] facilitate[s] this kind of semantic extraction.”

Grüntgens/Schrade: Data repositories in the Humanities and the Semantic Web: modelling, linking, visualising, p. 56.

DARIAH-DE Grand-Tour Workshop 2019 with step-by-step examples, workflow and visualization


Thank you

Literature & Software



The Corpora

Digital Epigraphy