Acceptance Tests
Acceptance testing is primarily used to prevent unintended changes to the frontend. Epigraf uses Codeception as the testing framework. The test environment launches a browser and uses a Selenium server to perform browser actions via the WebDriver protocol.
All acceptance tests are located in the tests/Codeception
The configuration of the test environment is to be found in tests/Codeception/acceptance.suite.yml
All test scenarios are implemented in the subfolder tests/Codeception/Acceptance
Developing and running acceptance tests can be challenging because the tests are sensitive to small timing differences on different machines. When a lack of system resources delay the browser operation, a test may fail although all functions work correctly. Further, screenshot comparisons rely on identical rendering processes in the development and the test system. In case tests fail without an obvious reason, it is advisable to rerun the tests individually.
Note that before running tests in the development system, the frontend assets (JavaScript and CSS bundles)
must be packed. The most easy way is to call npm run build
which is configured to update all necessary bundles.
See the in the tests/Codeception
directory for more information about how to develop and perform acceptence tests.