2 minute read


Epigraf needs a web server, a relational database management system and a cache server. You find prepared docker setups in the docker folder of the repository. The setups use Apache, MariaDB, and Redis. See docker/readme.md for further guidance.

Provided we’ve done everything right, you don’t need to read any further here, but can pull the setups straight off the shelf. We probably haven’t done everything right. Or the world has moved on. In that case, the following notes may well come in handy.

A typical installation process is as follows:

  • Clone the repository.
  • Run composer install --no-dev which also runs npm run build.
  • Configure the database and cache server connections in config/app.php.
  • Initialize the database with bin/cake database init.
  • Add an admin user with bin/cake user add admin admin admin admin.
  • Clear the cache with bin/cake cache clear_all.

To install, build, and configure the application the following command line tools are used:

  • Composer: composer install installs the application dependencies, initialises missing configurations, and compiles all frontend assets using webpack. See composer.json for dependencies and src/Console/Installer.php for what happens behind the scenes after the dependencies are installed.
  • Webpack: npm run build compiles the frontend assets, including minimized JavaScript and CSS files, images, and translation files. See package.json for details about the available commands and webpack.config.js for the configuration.
  • CakePHP: bin/cake is the command line interface for CakePHP. Epigraf implements custom commands and actions for managing the application. Call bin/cake without arguments to display a list of available commands. Call a command with the --help option to display usage information, for example bin/cake database --help.

Specific command actions are:

  • bin/cake database init initializes the main and, optionally, project databases. Project databases can be created from presets.
  • bin/cake database import imports a SQL database dump, for example to restore a backup.
  • bin/cake user add adds a user to the application database.
  • bin/cake user remove deletes a user from the application database.
  • bin/cake permission add grants permissions to a user.
  • bin/cake cache clear_all clears the cache.


Database and cache server connections are configured in the config/app.php file. A blueprint is provided in the config/app.default.php file.

See the docker folder for examples how to configure the servers for different environments:

  • Development: docker/php/app.php.
  • Test: docker/test/app.php.
  • Production: docker/deploy/app.php.


Logs of the Epigraf application are configured in the config.php file and stored in the logs directory within the application root folder:

  • logs/error.log logs error messages and exceptions.
  • logs/debug.log logs debug messages. When the debug mode is enabled in the app.php file, debug messages are displayed in the browser and not written to the log. Further, the cache is disabled in debug mode. Therefore, disable the debug mode in production environments.
  • logs/queries.log logs SQL queries. By default, queries are not logged. To enable query logging, set the log key in the Datasources to true in the app.php file.

The error log can also be accessed from the Epigraf main menu. Click the settings icon and choose the log menu item.