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17.09.2019 | TYPO3 University Day 2019

TYPO3 goes LOD

Ways to open research data


Sarah Pittroff und Patrick Toschka, Akademie Mainz
@digicademy | Twitter digicademy | CC-BY 4.0
Zahnrad Projekt
Zahnrad Projekt
Zahnrad Projekt
Zahnrad Projekt
Zahnrad Projekt
Zahnrad Projekt


  1. Academies of Sciences in Germany
  2. Digital Academy Mainz
  3. TYPO3 Portfolio

  4. Beaconizer Extension
  5. Vocabulary Extension (soon: tx_lod)
    1. Linked Data Vocabularies
    2. Statements about TYPO3 Datasets
    3. LOD API with Persistent Identifiers

  6. Questions

1. Academies of Sciences in Germany

The Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities is the umbrella organisation of eight German academies of sciences and humanities.

2. Digital Academy Mainz

Digital Humanities Research Team at the Academy Mainz

Logo der Digitalen Akademie
The spectrum comprises the conception, design and implementation of research applications and environments in the humanities, the consulting of the Academy on all aspects of digitality and the project support for the implementation of digital components together with partners from science and industry.
At the same time, research on core issues in the digital humanities as well as the teaching and training of young academics from the DH are of great importance.

  • Team of humanities scholars, computer scientists and employees with dual qualifications
  • Digital Humanities with application orientated research
  • Inclusion of methods from the free economy and software industry
  • 25 projects, in which TYPO3 plays a significant role
  • 6 TER/GitHub published extensions, about
    30 internal / project specific extensions for different fields of application, of which
    10 are in prepartion for publication

3. TYPO3


Regesta Imperii Online
  • Database with 185.000 full text charters
  • Literature database with 2.3 million titles on the European Middle Ages
  • Complex Boolean search logic with spelling tolerance
  • All regests in CEI via system-neutral REST interface (license CC-BY)
Corpus Vitrearum Digital
  • High-resolution TIFF images for free download (CC-BY)
  • Metadata embedded as XMP (ISO standard)
  • Content indexing with controlled vocabulary (ICONCLASS)
  • REST interfaces for metadata in XMP and JSON-LD (Semantic Web)
Deutsche Inschriften Online
  • 52 inscription volumes or stocks with approx. 22,000 catalogue numbers and 22,000 illustrations
  • Flexible XML workflows for the transfer from the printed edition into the application
  • Persistent referencing of all articles using the URN of Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Controversia & Confessio Digital
  • Source and person database with complex relationships (authors, opponents, printing technicians, etc.)
  • Extensive search options (role-based, chronological, geographical)
  • Preparation of data for historical network analysis
  • Web frontend completely based on Responsive Web / Mobile First approach
Digitales Gluck Werkverzeichnis
  • So far 170 detailed descriptions of works, over 3000 incipits, 3000 sources from 500 archives, more than 1500 recorded persons (singers, dancers, dedicatees), 500 mapped venues.
  • Complex search functionalities for works and sources, registers for venues, archives and persons
  • SVG-based note display (via Verovio) from Plaine & Easie encodings
Digitales Familiennamenwörterbuch
  • Digital edition environment, based on native XML database, name article data encoded in TEI
  • Mapatop application for mapping surnames on the basis of telephone connections (as of 2005)
  • REST-based application architecture with TYPO3 frontend for displaying and researching name articles

4. Beaconizer Extension

Normdata aggregator and provider

4. Beaconizer Extension

Normdata aggregator and provider

BEACON file from the Rheinland-Pfälzische Personendatenbank

Beacon Datei der RPB

4. Beaconizer Extension

Normdata aggregator and provider

Schaubild BEACON Austausch zwischen Institutionen

4. Beaconizer Extension

Normdata aggregator and provider

Schaubild BEACON Austausch zwischen Institutionen

4. Beaconizer Extension

Normdata aggregator and provider

Schaubild BEACON Austausch zwischen Institutionen

4. Beaconizer Extension

Normdata aggregator and provider

5. Vocabulary Extension

Vocabularies | LOD Statements | Resolver

5. Vocabulary Extension

Vocabularies | LOD Statements | Resolver

Three separate but semantically linked functionalities:

  1. Linked Data Vocabularies
  2. Statements about data records within the TYPO3 system incl API
  3. Resolver with persistent Identifiers and content negotiation

5. Vocabulary Extension

Step 1: Vocabularies

  1. Add (external or own) vocabularies with URI and namespaces
  2. Add terms from the vocabularies
  3. Articulate triple statements with Subjects, Predicates and Objects
  4. Publish your own vocabulary with persistent namespace

Live Demo

aus dem Projekt: Corpusvitrearum

5. Vocabulary Extension

Step 2: LOD Statements about TYPO3 data records

  1. "Talk" about records in the TYPO3 system with triple statements
    (-> second data layer)
  2. Publish your statements as LOD over a (REST) API

Live Demo

aus dem Projekt: Corpusvitrearum

5. Vocabulary Extension

Step 3: Resolver with Content Negotiation

  1. Generate persistent identifiers for records
  2. Add alternative format representations for records
  3. Resolver redirects requests to the adequate representaton (RDF/XML, Turtle, JSON-LD) with Content-Negotiation
Bild aus dem CVMA Projekt mit der ID F3431 Foto: Andrea Gössel, CVMA Freiburg, CC BY-NC 4.0

5. Vocabulary Extension

Step 3: API with Content Negotiation

Bild aus dem CVMA Projekt mit der ID F3431 Foto: Andrea Gössel, CVMA Freiburg, CC BY-NC 4.0

5. Vocabulary Extension

Bonus: I-SAW Feature

Foto: Andrea Gössel, CVMA Freiburg, CC BY-NC 4.0 Bild aus dem CVMA Projekt mit der ID F1481 Iconclass: 11F4135

5. Vocabulary Extension

Exkurs: Stained glass research

Bild Innenraum der Marienkirche, Frankfurt/Oder Marienkirche in Frankfurt (Oder), um 1360
Bild Innenraum der Sainte Chapelle, Paris Obergeschoss der Sainte Chapelle in Paris, vor 1248

5. Vocabulary Extension

Exkurs: Stained glass and storytelling

Bild aus dem CVMA Projekt mit der ID F1817 Münster Unserer Lieben Frau, Ulm (1480), Foto: Andrea Gössel, CVMA Freiburg, CC BY-NC 4.0

5. Vocabulary Extension

Bonus: I-SAW Feature

HTML Representation Iconclass Ressource 11F4132
Screenshot HTML Repräsentation Iconclass Ressource 11F4132
JSON Representation Iconclass Ressource 11F4132
Screenshot JSON Repräsentation Iconclass Ressource 11F4132

5. Vocabulary Extension

Bonus: I-SAW Feature

Maria im Strahlenkranz, Eriskirch (um 1412)
Darstellung Maria im Strahlenkranz, CVMA Deutschland
Figurenscheibe Stand Basel mit Madonna (1515)
Darstellung Strahlenkranzmadonna, CV Schweiz


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